Han So Hee's posts about her breakup with Ryu Joon Yeol are making headlines.
In a now-deleted blog post, Han So Hee shared the below photo of actress Nicole Kidman following her divorce with Tom Cruise. As it was posted a few hours before Han So Hee and Ryu Joon Yeol's breakup was confirmed, netizens are speculating Han So Hee posted it to symbolize how free she felt following their separation.
Han So Hee's reply to a fan commenting on her blog is also receiving a lot of attention. Her fan wrote, "Good job, So Hee. I feel relieved on your behalf. It's a good thing you broke up! Dating an avoidant man who keeps his mouth shut will make your insides turn black like ashes... You did well. I'm giving you pats on the back for all the hurt you went through. I hope it all heals well."
The actress responded, "You're right. The person in question kept his mouth shut, while I was trying to do anything I could do. He said it would be forgotten anyway. But what can I do? I couldn't keep silent and just watch because my fans are just too precious to me."
An alleged insider also commented on their relationship, stating, "The two recently met to talk and decided to go their separate ways. It's also true there were a series of conflicts and disagreements after the release of their romance. There were clearly differences in their positions, so it seems they made the best choice in the current situation."
What are your thoughts on Han So Hee's posts and the insider's comments?
Han So Hee's posts about breakup with Ryu Joon Yeol make headlines & alleged insider gives input on relationship
Saturday, March 30, 2024
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He was right, it would have died down if they'd all kept silent. She should have taken his advice, because it's now going to be her who keeps re-igniting the flames with her inability to keep her mouth shut.
I suspect it's going to be more than just the Lotte contract she's going to lose if she keeps this up. He was right to walk away.
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