Actress Kim Go Eun opened up about her childhood growing up in China.
On February 21, actors Yoo Hae Jin and Kim Go Eun appeared as guests on a YouTube live broadcast hosted by Na Young Suk PD, promoting their new mystery thriller film 'Exhuma'.
Here, Na PD said to Kim Go Eun, "You are well-known for your unique childhood. You grew up in a rural village in China. Tell me about it."
Kim Go Eun answered, "I lived there from when I was 4-years old until I turned 14-years old." Hearing this, Na PD commented, "So you were basically a foreigner." Kim Go Eun agreed, "Right, my Korean level [wasn't high]. But my parents still forbid me from speaking in Chinese at home. And we also rented video tapes with Korean variety shows or dramas, and that's how I watched dramas like 'Nonstop' and 'Share Living and Joy' as a child."
Yoo Hae Jin also observed, "It only makes sense that you were more comfortable speaking Chinese back then." Kim Go Eun nodded and said, "Especially because I lived in a region where there were virtually no other foreigners around."
Next, Yoo Hae Jin asked, "Did you retain some of the Chinese? Would you be able to get around in China without much discomfort?" Kim Go Eun hesitantly answered, "I didn't. I stutter with it. And I've forgotten so much of the vocabulary. But I think if it were something urgent, I would be able to get by somehow."

Is it possible to forget a language u spoke during 10 years in the most important moment of ur body and brain development ?
Genuily asking cuz I find it quite surprising tho
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