As the new year began, webtoon artist Kian84 (born in 1984) is gaining attention for his self-reflection and his thoughts as he turns 40.
Kian84 previously uploaded a video titled '5 things I realized in my 30s' on his YouTube channel Life84. This video was recently shared again in various online communities, garnering much attention as it resonated with many people.
In his first reflection, Kian84 shared, "New Year used to be one of the three happiest and most exciting moments in the year. However, as I've gotten older, it's been a long time since I felt that way."
He also noted, "Also, there appears to be a growing trend towards individualism. Many of my friends, relatives, and acquaintances are opting out of marriage, choosing instead to focus on self-investment. This shift becomes more apparent in their late 30s when they start indulging in personal desires by acquiring foreign cars, luxury watches, and limited edition sneakers that they've always coveted."
Kian84 also shared, "It feels like we only see acquaintances during special occasions, or we have to make prior engagements to meet up. In the past, sleeping over at a friend's house was a common thing. But in my 30s, it became uncomfortable to sleep somewhere other than my own home. Going out itself becomes challenging."
He added, "Dating has become increasingly challenging as I've aged. In my 20s, perhaps driven by a youthful zeal or hormonal influences, I would eagerly approach someone I was interested in, often going as far as showing up at their doorstep. However, as time passes, I find that even when I encounter someone I like, I don't put in the effort like I used to. My body doesn't move as easily."
Finally, he lamented, "Different emotions such as happiness, anger, pleasure, and sorrow fade away, but the feelings of loneliness becomes more distinct. If we compare this to tastes, sweetness, sourness, and saltiness are naturally accepted, but spiciness always comes as a shock. They say that the taste of spice is linked to pain. Perhaps, loneliness is not in the realm of emotions but in the realm of pain."

Netizens who watched the video commented, "The idea that loneliness is not in the realm of emotions but in the realm of pain really resonates with me," "I also used to enjoy taking care of others more than myself, but it turned out to be meaningless. Please invest in yourself with both money and sincerity. What you invest in yourself doesn't disappear," and "It seems like everyone feels lonely. I hope Kian84 spends his time alone well and becomes a stronger person."
Life often doesn't turn out the way you expect it to. There's always a few curveballs. Maybe even a lot of curveballs. Ultimately, you have to be able to adapt and do what it takes to make yourself happy. While there are some things that hasn't happened for him that he probably expected to, there are a lot of good things that did happen for him that I don't think he ever dreamed would happen. Most recent of which, winning a daesang entertainment award.