Sayuri, the broadcaster who recently revealed that she had experienced sexual harassment from a senior singer in the past, has posted an apology and received an outpouring of support from viewers.
On December 18 KST, Sayuri addressed the issue on her YouTube channel, stating, "In some of the comments made in the previous video, many viewers are mentioning various individuals who are unrelated to my statements." She continued, "I sincerely apologize to all the people mentioned and to the viewers for causing confusion and inconvenience with my potentially misunderstood remarks. I will exercise caution to avoid such misunderstandings in the future."
Previously, on December 16 KST, Sayuri openly discussed her experience with sexual harassment by a senior contestant on an MBC program a few years ago when she didn't have a manager to protect her. She recounted how the senior individual had initially commented on her skin, saying, "Sayuri, your skin doesn't look good, and you have a lot of acne." Sayuri thought the comment was made out of concern for her skin and responded positively.
However, the situation took a disturbing turn when the senior singer asked her, "Sayuri, you're Japanese, and I've never met an honest Japanese person. So, let me ask you, how many sexual partners have you had?" Sayuri was shocked and embarrassed by the question and asked, "Really?" The senior singer persisted, repeating the question three times slowly.
Sayuri, who was much younger than the senior singer, admitted feeling more scared than angry at the time and nervously laughed off the incident. However, she expressed lingering anger and sadness when seeing the person on TV, especially since the singer was of a similar age and generation as her daughter.
Sayuri acknowledged that sharing her story was challenging but emphasized that she still carries resentment towards the individual who subjected her to such inappropriate behavior.
Following the video's release, netizens expressed anger and outrage over Sayuri's experience of sexual harassment. Some online communities attempted to identify the senior singer who harassed her based on the details provided in her video. This led Sayuri to delete the video and issue an apology.
However, many netizens who read her apology responded with messages of support, questioning why she needed to apologize and emphasizing that she was not at fault. Sayuri chose not to disclose the identity of the senior singer, and she received applause for her bravery in sharing her past trauma.
Additionally, Sayuri edited the part of the video that discussed the damage caused by the sexual harassment and re-uploaded it, with the comment section disabled.
I don't know any woman, including myself, who hasn't suffered from sexual harassment, its so tiring, sickening and disgusting. Each time it happens its like, keep your dirty thoughts, perverted questions and sometimes as well, roaming hands to yourself, you fucking PERVERT. I don't know what these creeps hope to achieve, their behaviour makes them instantly repulsive.
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