Park Shin Hye and Kim Jae Young will be working together for a thrilling new fantasy romance in 2024, SBS's 'Attorney from Hell'.
The story centers around a devil from hell, who is sent to the human world in the body of an attorney. Through the eyes of its host, the devil witnesses evils worse than hell on earth, and vows to serve justice to the wicked of human society.
Park Shin Hye has been cast as the story's female lead, Kang Bit Na, an attorney whose inner soul is literally from hell. A skilled and beautiful ace attorney on the outside, Kang Bit Na is in fact a devil sent from hell to capture vicious humans and sentence them to eternal damnation. Opposite Park Shin Hye, actor Kim Jae Young will take on the role of Han Da On, a detective with the warmest of human hearts as well as a cunning sense of observation.
SBS's 'Attorney from Hell', starring Park Shin Hye and Kim Jae Young, is slated to premiere some time in 2024. Do you find the premise of the drama interesting so far?
Oh, sounds cool! Hopefully it doesn't end up disappointing bc I'm a huge fan of Park Shin Hye. Most dramas these days seem to be going down hill but as long as it's exciting, unique, not cheesy, and the characters are good (as well as the romance) then I think I'll like it. 😍