On the morning of December 23 at around 10 AM KST, actor Lee Sun Gyun made an appearance in front of the Incheon Nonhyeon Police Station on his way to attend his third police questioning.
Lee Sun Gyun is currently under investigation both as an offender and a victim. On the offender side, he is facing suspicions of violating the Narcotics Control Act by partaking in illegal drug use, while on the victim side, he is involved in a blackmailing incident with an entertainment establishment manager, 'A'.
Before reporting in for his third questioning, Lee Sun Gyun commented in front of the press, "I would like to sincerely apologize once again for causing so many people concerns. I will answer all questions truthfully."
Lee Sun Gyun previously attended police questionings on two occasions - on October 28 and on November 4. Thus far, his drug tests have all returned negative. However, Lee Sun Gyun did not initially deny the drug charges against him during his questioning, saying, "'A' tricked me into doing drugs. I did not know that what she handed me were illegal drugs."

I'm starting to think she gave him something that she told him was drugs and maybe it wasn't. He's beginning to strike me as not very bright and quite easy to manipulate.
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