Wonyoung has decided to skip out onher college entrance exams again this year.
Mirroring last year’s decision, the IVE member has once again chosen to opt-out of taking the CSAT (College Scholastic Ability Test). Wonyoung's decision to postpone the CSAT is so that she can dedicate herself entirely to the promotion of IVE's forthcoming song.
Reports reveal that Wonyoung plans to return to her academic commitments when there is a more suitable opportunity.
In other news, the 2024 CSAT has been confirmed for November 16.
I don't understand the issue? People get further education mostly for their future career aspirations. Wonyoung already has a career, and based on how popular she is, she'll probably be good into her 30's at least. By then she would have already made boat loads of money and will probably be set for life.
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