Debuted in July 2017 with the six-track record 'Hola Hola,' DSP Media's KARD — composed of multifaceted individuals J.Seph, BM, Jiwoo, and Somin — has become one of the representative co-ed groups in the Korean music scene.
Earlier this year, the quartet showcased a captivating bold side of them in their 6th mini-album 'ICKY,' which features the title song of the same name, with the B-sides "Without You," "Fxxk You," "Been That Boy," and "CAKE."
Amid KARD's busy schedules as they're on their 'PLAYGROUND' tour, the members sat down with allkpop to talk more about their usual creative process, being a co-ed group, the mindset they have as they keep striving in the industry, and more. Keep reading to learn more about the quartet!
You can read our interview with KARD last year here.

allkpop: First of all, congratulations on everything that you've achieved so far! To begin with, we're already almost in the 9th month of the year! How's your 2023 going so far, and are there still things you're looking forward to doing the most before this year ends?
J.SEPH: We’re so excited that we’re now about to start our European tour. We are looking forward to meeting European fans whom we haven’t seen in a long time. Our goal is to release a new song that we could share with fans before the end of this year.
SOMIN: 2023 was a meaningful year for us. We imagined the moments when fans would enjoy listening to our songs while preparing for the tour. We’re just so grateful for the love fans have shown us, and it makes us strive for better performance. Celebrating together, shedding tears together, and sharing happiness together is something that can only happen when there's love for us. It's so precious and dear to us, thinking back to those times.
allkpop: Co-ed groups in the K-Pop music industry are rarely seen. At first, did each one of you think of debuting in a boy and girl group? Did you expect that you'd ever be in a co-ed group back then?
BM: It was never an ideal scenario, nor was it expected. To be frank, it came with a lot of fear as well, being that there weren’t too many co-ed groups. But now, looking back, I've realized there's always a reward for high risks!

allkpop: There may be challenges and struggles along the way, but now that you're in a known, successful co-ed group, and it's been 6 years since your debut. How do your relationships with each other grow? Do you regard each other as siblings?
J.SEPH: We feel like we’re companions running together. Since we are in the same boat, we will hustle together to ensure we never sink.
SOMIN: We believe we are growing while respecting each other diligently! We will continue to do that, and our bond will become even stronger than it is now.
allkpop: KARD has been known for breaking barriers, and you were still able to do it and show off your colors as KARD for your recent release, 'ICKY.' How important do you think it is to deliver such messages to people through music? Noting that you're actually part of your music.
BM: We always consider what we push as our narrative as a group and individually through our expression of music as an important thing. As artists, we love pushing boundaries in any way we can, not only as entertainers but people who hold influence over a mass.
allkpop: I think if you were to ask K-Pop fans which co-ed group they know of and listen to, I'm sure they'll most likely answer "KARD." What is it like being one of the well-known Korean co-ed groups, and what is it that you believe propelled you this far?
SOMIN: Being in a co-ed group was intimidating at first, but looking back on the time we’ve spent together, we’ve had incredible experiences, and we became who we are today through those experiences. We were able to run well because the energy of everyone involved in our team and all four members of KARD were in sync.

allkpop: In an interview, you mentioned that you pursued an artistic direction rather than an idol-oriented direction. You guys have been taking part in creating your songs! How do all of you usually approach this “artistic direction” and work together when in a studio, especially for your latest album?
BM: Just to clarify, idols are artists, and nowadays, it's becoming a norm to have groups with select members who partake in the creative process of the group. For us, we wanted to take a more risky approach by mentioning or portraying things the normal conservative K-Pop idol group wouldn't consider doing. I tend to try to push a direction, especially because the idea of a co-ed group in itself is a risk. For music, we have meetings on a basis with our label to draw the big picture. From music production, planning, PR, narrative, visuals, and even fan service, we collectively all give input in order to really give the fans our very best.
J.SEPH: I consider my vocal cords as my instrument and try to play my soul through it. I tend to extract all the emotions that music conveys to the fullest.
allkpop: I read in an interview as well that you guys have a strong desire to make everything perfect, one by one. How hard and how long does it take for you to pick songs to release under your name? Do you have a bunch of unreleased songs in-store then you just pick from it and make adjustments, or is it the other way around, something like you just start to write songs once you're given this topic or such?
BM: It can be an ear-aching process. For some albums, we had to go through hundreds of demos, some we pick our in-house written records. The hardest part is having so many different perspectives and standards for "good music" — which is why direction should always be clear before we make a selection. As long as everyone agrees on what the main objective should be, everything from there is just organization. I have dozens of unreleased songs — some finished, some unfinished — solo and group, that I would love to incorporate in an album, but that will be if the vibe of the song matches the objective!
SOMIN: Most of the time, we discuss what kind of atmosphere and direction we want to show and receive demos. In fact, this initial process often takes place even before a planned album is released, and it’s not always easy when the song doesn’t turn out as what we imagined. We try to receive as many demos as possible and try not to make any regrets. This process takes quite a long time. We want to make sure that we put on the best performance we can, and if there are any regrets, they might be shown on the stage. We are putting in all our effort until the end, to make sure what we envision for the stage, even if it takes time.

allkpop: I have a question for each of the members. For BM, you're someone who loves to stand up for your beliefs. In terms of professional and personal growth, what positive outcomes have you observed from standing up for what you believe despite the negative thoughts surrounding your beliefs? How has this helped shape you being BM in the music industry?
BM: Kings, Pharaohs, top star celebrities, star athletes... Everyone has someone who won’t like them. It’s inevitable. I’ve accepted the fact that I can’t make 8 billion people like me because we all, as human beings, have our own beliefs. I stand strong behind mine because the moment I try to cater to everyone else’s beliefs, I start contradicting myself where, ultimately, I end up not even knowing who I am. I’ve been there before, and being that lost as a person brought confusion and depression. I’m okay with having people disagree with my beliefs now. That being said, I’ve also found a new and higher appreciation for the people who stand behind my beliefs.
allkpop: For J.Seph, you value your past experiences over the years as well as the fond memories you've created along with your members. As you reflect on what you've accomplished already, what achievement stands out to you the most, and what are some things you have on your bucket list that you want to work on and achieve?
J.SEPH: Winning the Rookie of the Year was our first goal, and the second was the world tour. While we've already achieved some of the goals we’ve set, there's still the big bucket list left which is “1st place on a Weekly Music Show." To kick that bucket, we will continue to dedicate unwavering efforts!

allkpop: Jiwoo, you emphasized in a recent interview the importance of prioritizing the group's collective opinion. There may be miscommunications, but what do you usually do, the practices that you implement to make sure of the group's togetherness?
JIWOO: KARD always seeks the opinions of all members and engages in discussions when it comes to making decisions. When we talk about music and our work as KARD, we listen to each other's opinions and have conversations while respecting them. I think this aspect of our group is really great.
allkpop: For Somin, you want to do many things and achieve so much with your fellow KARD members despite all the challenges. What's that mindset you have that helps you overcome difficulties, and how do the other members help you, be it in terms of advice or support from them? Looking back, how do these challenges help you become who you are now?
SOMIN: I’ve tried various approaches to my mindset until now. To overcome difficulties you have, taking some alone time and relaxing is the best way. If members face the problem, I advise them according to the situation — if an objective opinion is needed, I provide one, and when empathy is needed, I give one. I try to relate to the members and figure out what they need and help to solve the problem together. When I faced tough times in the past, it felt like everything had ended, but after that time passed, I gained lessons as if I had been taking a class. If things are difficult now, I remind myself that this too shall pass, and I try to face it step by step, so that I could deal with it more flexibly and calmly.

allkpop: Just to wrap up this interview, is there anything else you want to say to allkpop readers and your fans worldwide who are going to read this article and to those who have been waiting for you to come to their country? Do you have plans on bringing your tour to Asia?
J.SEPH: We are always planning about the tour and we’re eager to meet as many fans as we can. In October, we’re planning to visit Macau, so we hope to be able to meet you there as well. We really look forward to seeing our fans, HIDDEN KARD, who always support us!
JIWOO: During the 'PLAYGROUND' tour, we visited many places we hadn’t before. We’d love to visit more countries, cities, and new places to meet more fans. We would like to have another Asia tour again if there is a chance, as it has been quite a while since our last tour. Although there is no confirmed tour schedule, we’ve been attending various festivals in different Asian countries since early this year, and we have had the chance to meet fans. It’s a lot of pleasure for us to meet fans through these kinds of events as well. We always thank our fans for the unconditional support.
Follow KARD on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and YouTube
Members' individual Instagram accounts:
Saw them live yesterday and they were fire!! Hope they get that music show win they desire soon (looong overdue), but touring worldwide for so many years is a feat not many groups achieve and they should feel immensely proud about it.