VERIVERY's Yeonho is sitting out on the group's fan concert in Taiwan today due to tonsillitis.
On July 22, Jellyfish Entertainment announced Yeonho had been diagnosed with tonsillitis shortly after VERIVERY arrived in Taiwan. In order to recover, he won't be present at VERIVERY's 'Dream Shop' fan concert in Taipei today as well as the group's fan signing event tomorrow.
Jellyfish Entertainment stated, "Due to Yeonho's current condition, Yeonho visited the hospital right after arriving in Taiwan, he was diagnosed with tonsillitis, and was told by the medical staff that he needed rest. Based on the opinion of the medical staff, we inform you that Yeonho will not be participating in the 2023 VERIVERY FAN-CONCERT [DREAM SHOP] IN TAIPEI and the fansign event, which was scheduled for July 22nd and 23rd respectively."
Stay tuned for updates on Yeonho and VERIVERY.
Every singer's nightmare, catching something that affects their throat, and there's no way of getting round it. He must have been hopeful it wasn't anything serious to have travelled anyway.
Wishing him a swift recovery, and hoping he doesn't try to resume things too soon.