Former TEEN TOP member C.A.P recently opened up about the challenges he faced during his time as an idol. In a video uploaded on his personal YouTube channel titled 'Since when did idols become pseudo-love jobs', C.A.P shared his thoughts on the idol culture.
C.A.P began by expressing his intention to shed light on his journey as an idol and to discuss the struggles experienced by active kids in the industry. C.A.P shared that, "the reason I think the idol culture is getting sicker is because friends who are preparing to become idols are constantly being brainwashed by the company. 'You can't date,' 'You can't smoke,' 'You can't drink,' they continue to be brainwashed. The company keeps brainwashing them because they know that their investment will be wasted if they act like that.”
Furthermore, C.A.P revealed the stark contrast between his experiences as a trainee and as a debuting idol. "While I was a trainee, it was physical labor. After debuting, it became emotional labor. People I never expected cursed at me and threw stones at me in the guise of 'worrying' about me."
The former idol also shared that, "And XXXs sexually harassed me. Male idols get sexually harassed all the time. There are people who just do and act as they wish. There will be people who will touch my butt, or come at me with their chest. It's mentally draining. Weird people ask me to do weird things all the time." C.A.P's statement hints at the exploitation often faced by idols at the hands of so-called "fans", where they are expected to cater to the demands of others, regardless of their own well-being.
It's horrifying, but absolutely unsurprising that sexual harassment of idols is that common. Both boy and girl idols probably experience that kind of thing constantly, but can't talk about it because it'd ruin their careers. Hopefully, Cap bringing it up will at least get the conversation started for other ex-idols. I doubt it, though. Most likely every agency will tell their former idols to shut up if they don't want a JYJ or Jessica style entertainment ban.
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