ITZY's Chaeryeong garnered attention online for her visuals.
On May 27th, one netizen took to an online community forum and created a post titled, "Why does ITZY Chaeryeong look so pretty recently?" The original poster wrote, "It doesn't seem she got a job done because there aren't any signs of it... I honestly never thought she was pretty but maybe this is her era because even her press photos look gorgeous." Many netizens chimed in sharing their thoughts.

Some of the comments are: "She found her style after losing some weight. She is so attractive on 'No Prepare.'"
"She has her own aura or vibe."
"I think you've only seen bad pictures of her so far."
"She did get her nose done but I think that's not the only reason. Black hair and current outfit choices really suit her well."
"I didn't know before but Chaeryeong is uniquely beautiful."
"Reminds me of Sunmi. She looks pretty."
"I think she started to bloom since the 'Sneakers' era."
You can see that she is much more confident with herself and her appearance. Even in the airport videos, she is no longer "hiding" in the corner of the photos. Very happy for you Chae.❤️❤️