It's April Fool's Day, and the Huening siblings have come up with a cute and sensible prank to give fans a laugh!
On April 1, TOMORROW x TOGETHER's Hueningkai "surprised" Kep1ians on Bubble! He "wrote", "Hello, I'm here instead of Hiyyih today."

Fans who were subscribed to Kep1er member Huening Bahiyyih's Bubble found that she had "switched" accounts with her brother(?).

Meanwhile, over on Weverse, Huening Bahiyyih appeared and wrote to MOAs, "Hello MOAs, I'm here instead of oppa today."

TOMORROW x TOGETHER's Soobin reacted by commenting, "Huhdrrrrr, hi Hiyyih."

So what does Hueningkai find to be his younger sister's best quality?
"You ask which quality I like best of Hiyyih? She's just the best sibling ever, no but's or maybe's to it. She's so pretty and kind and she's good at everything and she's perfect. Because she's my sister after all."

How about Bahiyyih? How would she describe her brother's best attribute in one word?
"Hah... only one good attribute, that's too hard TT. He has too many good attributes... He's just perfect, that oppa. It's too hard to choose TT."

If you haven't figured it out already, the two siblings didn't actually "switch" their accounts. They were just pretending to be the other person!
Fans reacted with comments like, "You can tell by their answers to those questions that it's themselves hahahaha", "That looks fun, I wanna try kekekeke", "Soobin's reaction kekekekekeke", "This is a cute April Fool's Day prank kekekeke", "No way either of them would say such nice things about the other lolol", "We need more K-Pop siblings like this kekekeke", and more.
Squirreltoo (Banned)9,061 pts Saturday, April 1, 2023 0Very cute and sweet 😊