UP10TION's Kogyeol is enlisting for his military service next month.
On March 15, UP10TION's label TOP Media confirmed the news, stating, "UP10TION's Kogyeol will be enlisting for military service on April 10. After undergoing basic military training, Kogyeol will full his national duty. We ask for a lot of encouragement from fans, so Kogyeol can finish his military duties in good health."
It was recently revealed 5 members of UP10TION, including Kogyeol, parted ways with TOP Media at the end of their contracts on March 11 KST. UP10TION will continue on as 7 members, however.
In related news, UP10TION member Kuhn is enlisting for his mandatory military duties on March 27.
Lol thanks for stealing my work I submitted hours ago. Love that screenshots don't lie
I hope Kogyeol stays healthy and returns safely and in good health.