Your favorite artist that you've been wanting to see live is performing in a city near you, but you don't have anyone to go with, so you're contemplating whether to go or not. My answer is yes, definitely!
Anxious about going alone? Here are some tips!

Make sure to look up how to safely back to where you'll be going back after. If you're getting there by uber or public transportation, be prepared and look up where to head and how to get there. Going to a concert can be very exciting, but always remember how to get home safely!

Make sure to have your phone charged and bring a power bank with you if you have one and if the venue allows it! - that being said, check what is allowed and not allowed, so you don't panic on your own if certain things you have aren't allowed. As much as we are wanting to use the phone to record fun fancams, make sure you have enough battery for "in-case purposes."

Write down emergency numbers somewhere, and if you're attending the concert abroad, carry cash from that country too. Yes, we can 'tap' everything with our cards or phones these days, but as the saying goes, "cash is king."

If you really want to go with someone, searching on social media always helps! I've made many new friends from people I talked to online and then decided to meet at the concert! Fans often would create group chats on social media to find people attending, as well as trade things like freebies. Other than social media, I also have made great friends with the people I lined up with or sat next to. So, chat with those around you! We’re all there for the same reason, so why not talk about it?
Just so you know, there's nothing weird about going to a concert solo. Don't worry about going to the concert alone - you're not the only one! There are probably plenty of other people attending solo, so just enjoy yourself and make some new friends while you're there! Overall, I would say, never miss an opportunity to live your life. Ask yourself this? Are you going to regret it more if you don't go? I have made some of the greatest friends through these concerts; I hope you will too! Through these new friends, I no longer have to attend K-pop concerts alone.
If you are going to a concert alone, be careful and enjoy!!