It caught the fans' attention that a few Coldplay members, Chris Martin and Jonny Buckland, were wearing Wootteo badges on their clothes in the preview for the Saturday Night Live episode.
As we all know, Jin is very close to Chris and the rest of the Coldplay members. The senior artists are very selective with the artists they work with, so Jin becoming almost the 5th member of them says a lot about him as an artist. Chris complimented Jin's lyrical skills and his vocals. Ever since the artists met each other, Chris Martin has been constantly bringing Jin up in every interview. The artists' vision on music and life itself are similar in many ways.
"There aren't many people that can sort of penetrate our little circle of trust and it has to be someone really special"
Their joined stage in Argentina became a majestic experience for thousands of people, and the Wootteoplushie (that Jin gave them) became an actual talisman at Coldplay's concerts. It seems like the members wanted to show their love and support to Jin, who is now serving as a training assistant in the military. Fans also remembered how Chris gifted Jin a bunch of "Love" badges a year ago. It means they have a strong connection!
the way Wootteo has had so many rich experiences. Touring with the biggest rock band Coldplay, on same stage as Soda Stereo, his picture on all Argentina news, he now met Pedro Pascal!
and last but not the least he got to spend time with
wootteo always being with coldplay they adore and admire Seokjin immensely the same way he does.its pure wholesome and sweet.Seokjin is so loved by genuine people and that is everything 🥺💗
how come Jin's LED wristband is green in a sky full of stars - everyone else's is purple. did Coldplay give him a special wristband too 😳 he was wearing special love buttons during performance too which nobody ever got
I love their friendship!