Weeekly's Lee Jaehee is confirmed to be infected by COVID-19 again.
On January 2, Weeekly's agency, IST Entertainment, released a statement confirming that Jaehee has tested positive for COVID-19 again. According to the statement, Jaehee had symptoms of a cold last weekend and was immediately sent to the hospital for treatment, where she was tested positive. As a result, the schedule for season's greeting fan signing event will be postponed till a later date. The other members were also tested negative.
The full statement said:
This is IST Entertainment.
We would like to inform that Lee Jaehee, a member of Weekly, has contracted COVID-19 again.
Lee Jaehee felt symptoms of a cold last weekend and immediately visited the hospital for treatment.
Since then, she has been confirmed to have COVID-19.
Except for Lee Jaehee, Lee Soojin, Monday, Park Soeun, Jihan, and Boa were tested negative.
As a result, we would like to inform you that the schedule for the season's greeting fan signing event, which was scheduled to be held on January 8 (Sunday), will be postponed.
The changed schedule will be announced later. I ask for your understanding.
I apologize for the inconvenience caused to many people.
We will do our best to support the artist's health and quick recovery.
Thank you."
Wishing Jaehee a speedy recovery.
Good for her Kakao karma