Lee Young Ji, who recently won 'Show Me the Money 11,' graced the February cover of 'Cosmopolitan'.
When asked about how she felt about winning, she simply said “emotional,” before continuing on to say “This interview itself feels like deja vu from when I won 'High School Rapper 3'. You know I have two titles now, right? Even if I find different work in the future, I now have at least two things I can put down on my resume.”
When speaking about being the first female rapper to win 'Show Me the Money' she stated, “It's meaningless to consider gender anymore. The only difference between a female rapper and a male rapper is that the voices are slightly different. We're in an era where anyone can be active.”
Young Ji continued on to speak about another one of projects she was very passionate about. “I have a lot of pride in my channel 'No Prepare.' Since there are more and more people watching overseas, I feel a sense of duty to come up with new ideas.”
She divulged big plans for the future of her show stating, “I want to have director Bong Joon Ho as my next guest.” It was also revealed that all the drinking done in 'No Prepare' was in fact real alcohol. “While making 'No Prepare,' my alcohol tolerance increased, and can now drink about 3 bottles of sake in private. Now I'm at the point where I can brag about my alcohol tolerance.”

She looks stunning here. Such an amazing girl