Former Nu'est main vocalist Baekho says #Jin is a great singer and is someone he wants to be more like
Posted by now-topic31,979 pts Sunday, January 22, 2023
Last month, a special New Year-themed episode of Lee Hyun's show "Hyunie TV" featuring Baekho was released on Youtube. They were giving out symbolic year-end awards to Hybe's artists. Jin won the "Both Separate and Together" award.
Baekho, who is a singer and former main vocalist of the popular group, Nu'est, immediately started talking about Jin being a great singer and a very handsome person. Baekho said that Jin is someone he wants to be more like, and he's definitely not the first artist in K-pop to say that! He said that he couldn't stop being shocked by Jin's beauty again and again in every other video, including the music clip for 'The Astronaut.' They discussed the importance of this song for Jin's fans as well.
Jin is indeed an idol with a perfect reputation: he is known for his amazing personality on screen and in real life, his hard work, and his immaculate talent in all spheres. Jin is very creative, wise, determined, and brave as a person. He is a role model to many young people, including idols and others who get inspired by his creativity. Jin's powerful voice and his self-written, deep solo songs leave a huge impact on many people around the world every day.
Seokjin is flying so high,and has accomplished things that are unmatched.the first student to be selected from his school into Konkuk University with a very competitive rate of 201:1 completely based on his talents & skills while multitasking with idol schedule
oh wao i didn't know about this... i love seokjin being an inspiation, hope they can met some time