LOONA’s first Japanese concert from the “LOONATHEWORLD” world tour series has been under a few struggles.
On September 27, BlockBerry Creative and Universal Music announced the concert in Tokyo was postponed just 3 days before the actual date (October 1) due to visa issues and, according to Blockberry Creative, the girl group will be holding a concert at Tachikawa Stage Garden in Tokyo on March 3.
However, on January 12, BlockBerry Creative stated on the official Japanese website for the group: "The contents of the performance, the opening time and the opening time of the performance, and the performers are subject to change."
This statement doesn't get a positive reception from fans who have been boycotting any event and product from the company after all the concerns around the girl group's work conditions and contracts.
Fans commented: "The court date is definitely before the concert," "Are they going to hold the concert only with HyunJin and ViVi?", "The performers? It sounds like they are going to pick random people at the venue to perform. Please, respect your artists", "They need to stop, aren't BlockBerry Creative tired of this mess?", "Such nonsense," and "Just refund the money and let it be."
How the most international diverse audience based gg and the most unique k-project end it up managed by the most abusive and corrupt company outthere???
and now They just won't let go LOONA!
BBC please free loona, you steal enough money from them already.