As BLACKSWAN is currently having a mini promotional cycle in India and also filming their new music video, a story came to light. Twitter user Sofia Firdous shared how her niece has been suffering from osteosarcoma (a type of bone cancer) and that for the past 8 months, BLACKSWAN helped her through the struggle. It was a dream come true for the little girl to have finally met and spend time with BLACKSWAN.
this is so sweet! so happy the little girl got to meet her idols. praying for her recovery!! <3
12(+13 / -1)
ruben3,257 ptsWednesday, January 11, 2023 2
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
I dont want to be rude since it's a sweet story, but isn't it weird? The new members didn't even debut properly, don't have any original song yet with the new line up, and literally only a few weeks ago the new member was revealed. Only Fatou was in the last comeback, and she had a scandal with the other member.
It's not like I don't believe it, but how is this girl going to go through her struggles with such a ...non-existented content from Blackswan? and turn them into "their favorite idols"?
I hope I explained it correctly, I dont want to sound rude since it's a great news... They look so happy in the pictures and it's probably a sweet memory for the girl, but it's weird if we analized the context of this group.
this is so sweet! so happy the little girl got to meet her idols. praying for her recovery!! <3