On December 29, the contestants of the new idol survival program 'Boys Planet' made their first broadcast appearance and performed "Here I Am" on 'M Countdown.'
Many K-pop fans were ecstatic to see the new idol survival program's contestants, but some voiced their apprehensions.
This was because Pentagon's Hui was indeed among the contestants on the show. Previously, there was news confirming that the Pentagon member would make his appearance, but fans were able to see him with the young contestants.
After the performance video was released, fans became worried that Hui would be used to create a buzz on the show.
Fans commented, "I'm worried and it bothers me because I think Hui would be used by Mnet just as an aggro and used to stir up buzz," "I still don't get why he's on the show," "He's in his 30s, he really should have just appeared as a mentor or judge," "I really don't like how Mnet is obviously going to use him," "Hui is well known," "I don't think it matters because even CLC member debuted again," "I just feel bad for his fans," "Well if he's picked, he will produce all their songs so they don't need to worry about that" "He used to produce songs for the Produce series," and "Mnet is definitely going to use him to stir up drama, ugh."
I don't want Mnet to make a drama of him. He's just an idol that work so hard and brave himself to still stand on the stahe. But no matter what, Mnet will stir the toxic fans and those fans eill make him into another Bahiyyih with reasons like "He has debuted before. He has produce hit and bop songs.It's unfair to the unknown trainees before!"
Hui, no matter what, I'm rooting your choice as long as it can make you happy. You are one of the bravest idol in the Kpop industry.
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