We spoke with YouTube sensation solo artist J.Fla recently and had allkpop readers submit questions to her. Check out her responses below!
What drove you to become a singer? Like, do u get the idea from seeing other singers?
Some of you may not know, but my career started as a composer. After A&R listened to my demo tracks, they got interested in my ‘guide vocals,’ so I got the thought about becoming a singer.
I’m a huge fan of yours. What was your favorite song to cover on Youtube?
My favorite song is the first cover, Halo by Beyonce, because it was the beginning of my YouTube channel.
If you had the power to change one thing in the music industry to make it better - however, you want to define “better” - what would that thing be?
If I could change one thing, I’d like to get rid of the charts; it’s a little ironic that music has a ranking.
What advice can you give to a fan who wants to be a singer like you?
‘Advice’ is a big word for me. Let me make a comment rather than give a piece of advice. There is a sentence written in bold text in my diary. It says, 'Don’t give too much ado or worries about tomorrow that is yet to come but cherish today that you are having now,' and there is another sentence written in a small font next to it, “Are you doing your very best atm? Ask that question over and over again until you can say, ‘yes, I am sure I am.’

How many songs will be released in your recent album?
10 songs will be included in the new album.
This Question about movies xD, what’s your favorite kind of movie? For me, I love Science fiction, fantasy, and antiquity movies.
I’m a big fan of animated movies.
How was your family’s reaction about your new song?
My older sister cried after watching the music video.
When I saw the song 'The Hare,' which will be released in November, I remembered that you used the name ‘Rabbits’ while working as a composer. Are these related?
That is correct. It’s because I’m called a rabbit, and also, it’s because I get red-shot eyes often.
What do you think is your strongest asset as a singer and songwriter?
I think one of my strongest assets as a singer and songwriter is that I have more experience with failure than others. So I think my stories are various, and they are my big asset.

J.Fla most recent single, "The Hare," premiered on November 11. Make sure to check out the video.
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