Kim Hyun Joong stands accused of not paying child support for 8 years.
According to reporter-turned-YouTuber Lee Jin Ho on November 29, Kim Hyun Joong never paid child support for his son born to his ex-girlfriend for the past 8 years. His son was born in 2015, but it's alleged Kim Hyun Joong rarely visited him since then and did not meet him in person until the end of last year when his son turned 7 years of age.
Kim Hyun Joong is alleged to have contacted his ex-girlfriend 'A' to clear up childcare expenses, and 'A' suggested he meet his son first. YouTuber Lee Jin Ho claimed the child could not hide his excitement when he first met his father, but Kim Hyun Joong applied to adjust his child support after the meeting. Kim Hyun Joong was initially ordered by the court to pay 2 million Won ($1506.03 USD) per month, but he requested to lower the amount, stating his annual income was 70 million Won ($52,710.88 USD). The standard for child support in 2021 for non-custodial parents with an annual income of 70 million Won is reported to have been 1.6 million Won ($1205.01 USD) per month to the child's caregiver.
Lee Jin Ho claimed 'A' was embarrassed by Kim Hyun Joong's unexpected request and alleged 'A' said her child would've been less hurt if Kim Hyun Joong never met him. It's further claimed Kim Hyun Joong only made a sudden application to adjust his child support before his official return to promoting on broadcasts.
Kim Hyun Joong previously took a hiatus due to rumors revolving around a legal battle with his ex-girlfriend, who sued him for 1.6 billion Won ($1,204,357.60 USD) claiming she had miscarried a child due to an assault by Kim Hyun Joong in April of 2015. The court ruled in favor of Kim Hyun Joong as it was not confirmed whether she was pregnant or not during the assault. However, it was later found the star had assaulted her, and she did have 2 pregnancies and an abortion during their relationship. Kim Hyun Joong was fined 5 million Won ($3,763.73 USD) for assaulting 'A.'
In other news, Kim Hyun Joong and his wife welcomed a baby boy last month.
I thought she had dropped the case before it went to court because she didn't want to reveal dna test results.
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