LOONA's Chuu has been added to the host line-up for tvN D's new cheerleading reality show, 'Stage Up'.
The production team for 'Stage Up' stated, "Following the earlier days [of the pandemic], where we were more familiar with no audience members present, concerts and festivals are now reviving. We wanted to show you the [performers'] breath that becomes one with the audience as they emit their energy through their performances and reveal the charms of cheerleading. We also worked hard to contain the story of youth pouring their hearts into what they love and are passionate about."
Producer Cha Choong Ho added, "Please look forward to the unique cheerleading stages you have never seen before, including collaboration stages. We will also show 14 different cheerleading squad members working together to prepare for a concert, so we ask for your interest and support."
In particular, LOONA's Chuu has been selected as an MC for the show, raising anticipation for the increased tension and her fresh energy.

I get it, she's popular and great at interacting with people on camera. The first point obviously being the result of the second. But there are eleven other amazing, gorgeous members in LOONA. Couldn't they also get the change to promote? Why always send the same member to gain visibility for the group, and burn her out in the process?
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