Recently, there have been various netizen accounts online that claimed to have seen Seventeen members S.Coups and Mingyu at a club in the United States, amidst their concert tour. One netizen even took to Twitter to reveal a photo of an alleged member of Seventeen and revealed the story of their encounter with Mingyu at the club.
One K-netizen created a post on an online community forum titled, "Is it true that Seventeen went to a club?" The netizen further wrote, "Is it true that they went to a club? I heard they went to one in the U.S., but news on it has been so dim that I don't know if this is true."
In response, some of the netizens' comments included:
"Aren't they adults? Why is it a big deal if they go to a club?"
"They probably just went to drink beer after playing their concert. They didn't even play with girls or dance."
"Overseas clubs are more fun than Korean clubs."
"They're living such a fun life. Going to a club and also holding a concert."
"Why did [Mingyu] hit the guy's butt? LOL. So funny."
"But why can't they go to a club?"
"It's been a while since they aged over 20 years old..."
"Can't they go have fun during their free time?"
"A full grown adult can go to a club if they want to."
"They're not underage or anything, so it's not a big deal that they went to a club."
GOOD FOR THEM! They need a life! Crazy fans are making them prisoners. They should have fun all they want.