Golden Child's Bomin is set to undergo surgery for a facial fracture.
On September 29, Woollim Entertainment revealed Bomin was hit in the face with a wooden golf club, and he suffered a facial fracture. The label stated, "On the afternoon of September 28, Bomin was hit in the face with a wooden golf club that another person was using at a practice session during Bomin's personal schedule. We immediately proceeded with emergency treatment and a detailed examination."
Woollim Entertainment further revealed medical staff recommended surgery, and they're currently scheduling a date. Bomin will also be receiving rehabilitation after the surgery, and he'll be taking a hiatus to focus on treatment and recovery.
Stay tuned for updates on Bomin and Golden Child.
What the hell is wrong with everyone in the comments? I don't see how this is funny at all, you lot are absolutely disgusting laughing over a man that was injured to the point of having to have surgery and go through rehabilitation. At this point with how so many people laugh at injuries of every idol (or just any person) that has had one, I hope you have to go through this so you know just how unfunny and horrible this actually is. You lot need to get a life and leave people alone
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