Oli London is speaking up in apology over their past behavior.
The British-based influencer, who previously made headlines for spending more than $100,000 on plastic surgery to look like BTS's Jimin, recently apologized through both a new YouTube video and a lengthy official letter both released on August 29. The apology is extended not only to Jimin himself, but BTS as a whole as well as the larger Asian community.
In both messages, they acknowledge past accusations of racism and cultural appropriation and the problem of their past obsessive behavior when it comes to the BTS member. They also brought up being bullied for their looks as a child and how they came to admire Jimin to begin with. According to the letter, they owe this change of heart to therapy and self-reflection as well as the start of married life.
"For the last few months, I have been undergoing therapy and rehabilitation to try to deal with my unhealthy behavior and addiction to Jimin and plastic surgery," they explained. "Since I recently got married to my husband, who is my very own Jimin (and actually looks like him), I have finally found someone who loves and accepts me for who I am. I have been chasing this acceptance all my life and now that I have found it, it has made me a completely new person."
Meanwhile, Oli London's full letter can be read below.

AKP, why would you even humour the “transracial” thing…. I’m sorry, but you can’t just identify as another race. He is a clown, he fetishises K-pop idols. I doubt he had any respect for Korean culture outside of what he sees in K-pop.