With idols debuting at a young age, oftentimes, these male idols have not matured when making their first television appearance. Therefore, these idols grow up before the eyes of their fans.
These idols gradually shed their baby face and their adorable vibe growing up to become handsome men.
Recently, fans and netizens gathered their attention to Seventeen member Joshua's glow-up and are marveling at how much the idol has grown over the years.

Fans gathered in an online community to share how impressed they are with how much Joshua grew up and commented, "He was Bambi but grew up to be Bambi's daddy...he looks so luxurious," "He has this unique vibe about him," "I love him," "He really grew up so much," "He makes my heart flutter so much," and "A baby deer became a lion, lol."
They were for real babies back in 2015... Look at those bright young faces that only had $5 and a dream, literally....