Just as there are trends in fashion, there are trends in hairstyles. These trends are clearly visible in the entertainment industry as many celebrities are trendsetters, and the popular styles quickly spread across the industry.
While there are well-received trends, there are some trends that cause discussions and debates as netizens and fans have mixed reactions toward them.
Recently, the Korean online portal TheQoo has been abuzz with discussions about a particular hairstyle that is causing a debate among users. Some say it's old-fashioned countrified, and tacky, while others argue how unique and attractive they find this look to be.
This trending hairstyle is a hair bun style where the tips of the hair stick out around the bun.

Netizens discussed, "This is trending now? I thought idols wore this hair for a while," "I like this hairstyle," "I think this hairstyle is so pretty," "I like it when celebrities wear this hairstyle," "I think it looks pretty cause celebrities wear them, lol," "it doesn't look tacky at all," "Looks unique and cool," and "I like this hair cause it looks simple."
Other netizens commented, "I don't have anything against the hair but I don't get why celebs have to use a massive amount of hair spray and spend hours doing this hair at the shops," "I think it looks messy so I don't like it," "Looks ordinary," "Looks like a normal messy bun," "How does this hairstyle look pretty?" and, "I think looks weird."
reminds me of the messy chopsticks hair look, minus the chopsticks
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