Back on June 30, Highlight member/solo artist Yoseob apologized to fans for a recent incident via his Instagram story.
Yoseob wrote,
"Last night, I thought I would try to communicate with you all, and roamed several open chat rooms.
During the process, I also created my own open chat room, and this incident, along with some of my other actions within a certain group, made some feel excluded.
It felt as if I've only had chances to communicate one-sidedly with my fans in a space with many people just listening, and so I hoped to communicate differently this time; but regardless of my intentions, actions which can cause negative feelings in others is problematic, and I did not realize until later that what I did was not well-thought out.
I would like to apologize to all who may have felt upset by the recent incident.
I promise to be more careful and thoughtful in my actions! Thank you for reading this long post."
However, in response to Yoseob's apology, many fans commented, "It's not your fault", "I don't see why Yoseob has to apologize", "He only wanted to communicate more openly with fans", "This should not have been an issue", etc.

People will always cry about everything because they were not selected or the lucky one. Can't please everybody just do what you want.