(G)I-DLE's Shuhua calls out men's sexual harassment after the horrific events in Tanshang, China
Posted by Hana2242424143 pts Saturday, June 11, 2022
According to SupChina,"A group of men in Tangshan were caught on camera brutally beating a woman after she turned down unwanted attention from one of them. The assault has sparked furious demands to address misogyny in China." While the girl was being beaten, none of the men in the shop came forward to help; they just watched the violence unfold. Only a few women came forward to help stop it, but they were also attacked.
This case has been trending on the Chinese social media platform Weibo, with many angry and disappointed voices over what happened. (G)I-DLE's Shuhua took to Weibo and posted her own personal thoughts on the situation.
Shuhua also took the time to respond to fans' comments on the incident. Explaining that she wants to live her life honestly and stand up for injustice.
Damn that was horrible. The guy was just cold and dead inside, didn't get what he wanted so just thought he could slap her into submission. Thank god they caught the bastards and I hope they get punished severely because men like this are SO dangerous.
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alice98762,167 ptsSaturday, June 11, 2022 4
Saturday, June 11, 2022
These men who think women are toys need to be stop at all cost
it is digusting and pains me as a woman who knows that we still are not protected enough
i seriously applaud her because it takes courage and strength for her to stand up thank you for not keeping quiet. furthermore i hope that there should be more consequences for sexual assault and other types of assault.
Damn that was horrible. The guy was just cold and dead inside, didn't get what he wanted so just thought he could slap her into submission. Thank god they caught the bastards and I hope they get punished severely because men like this are SO dangerous.
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