Eli has finally decided not to live with his ex-wife Ji Yeon Soo.
In the latest episode of the TV CHOSUN's original entertainment show, 'We Got Divorced 2,' that aired on June 17, Eli finally shared that he has decided not to live with his ex-wife Ji Yeon Soo.
In this latest episode, Eli was seen meeting up with former U-Kiss member Alexander and sharing his honest thoughts. Eli told Alexander that he will be moving to Korea and said, "I'm going to go to the states and take care of things. Then, I'm going to go all-in to live in Korea."
Alexander asked about living with Ji Yeon Soo, and Eli replied, "We don't fight but we walk on eggshells around each other. Well, we can't help it."

Eli also shared what it felt like living with Ji Yeon Soo and gave specific stories about things that were uncomfortable living with her. He explained, "Before, I would just match everything to her. But now it's different. Simply put, there was the AC incident."
He elaborated, "It's summer, and it's hot but Yeon Soo gets cold easily and I am weak to the heat. I want to turn on the AC but I feel like we would argue if I turn on the AC. If I ask Ji Yeon Soo about turning on the AC, she would say no. Then, I would get sensitive because it's hot and would get annoyed. This eventually leads to a fight. So, I would just withstand the heat."
Eli then said, "When I was married to her, I would match to her, but now we're divorced. So we're just Minsoo's mom and Minsoo's dad. So, I put more importance on myself." He continued to say, "I think it's the right decision for us not to live together. I think we won't live together. That's my plan right now."
At the end of the day it should be what's best for their son. What's best for their son isn't them constantly fighting and crying. What's best is, they love their son and show they can co exist around each other.