Hollywood actor Simon Pegg posts about #BTS's #Jin being the new Benji Dunn from "Mission Impossible"
Posted by hereitgoes26,502 pts Wednesday, April 6, 2022
BTS's Jin is known for being the only person in the group who was already flirting with an acting career before becoming an idol.
He was one of those few talented young people in South Korea who managed to surpass more than 2000 applicants and get into the class of only ten students at the acting department of the famous Konkuk University. While studying, he has participated in theatre plays, and music videos and was preparing for a role in a movie just before joining BTS. Jin's professors have praised his talent, determination, and great personality. They prophesied him a successful acting career.
Many people say that Jin was born to become a celebrity and would be one in any world and dimension. He truly shines in all spheres!
Besides being a singer, songwriter, and dancer in BTS, Jin also frequently gets praised for his acting talent. Many directors, actors, and entertainment industry people have said that one day he will be debut as an amazing actor because Jin definitely has been born with a talent to act.
One of those people is the famous Hollywood actor Simon Pegg! He is known for roles in many great movies that you have definitely watched.
On April 5, Simon has posted an Instagram story featuring a photo of Jin from the Grammys. It represents Jin sitting in his hacker-styled surroundings and looking very authentic due to him being a talented actor.
off topic but seokjin would be perfect as the front man in squid game
The actor was referring to his role in the famous series "Mission Impossible" (2006 - present). Benji Dunn is the main protagonist of the movie. He is a technician turned field agent of the Impossible Mission Force and one of Ethan Hunt's main teammates. Benji saves the lives of many people while remaining a smart and stoic person. Besides that, the character is known for being very skilled.
Simon Pegg made Jin a great compliment by naming him the new Binji! Would actually be cool to see Jin playing such an interesting character.
A few months ago, the story of Simon Pegg saying he would be happy to see Jin in Squid Game 2 was very much hyped on the Internet. Moreover, Simon said that he is sure that Jin is a great actor, and if he got an offer to play in a movie with him, he would definitely go for it.
this morning i was watching simon peggs instagram live and mentioned that him and jin in season 2 of squid game would be so good bc of this picture on netflix's story, then i had to leave but i didnt realize he responded to the comment and agreed 😭
Another interesting thing is that Simon Pegg's daughter Tilly is a huge fan of Jin. On one of the Instagram live streams, she and Simon Pegg have been discussing the fact that Jin is a professional actor with a prestigious degree and how much they wish to see Jin in a movie.
Excerpts from Simon Pegg IG live.
SP daughter said we (fans) want to see Actor Jin SP: Jin studied acting & I think he'd be really good at it. Let's hope we see him acting at some point
SP also read comments abt Jin OST and Chris's guitar gift to Jin.
By the way, Tilly's godfather is Chris Martin from Coldplay, who is absolutely adored by Jin and treats him as a best friend! He said multiple times how glad he is that Jin has suggested the collaboration and even gifted the artist his favorite guitar on, which he was playing for 12 years.
We need Actor Jin so much