Jimin has been making headlines for various reasons lately despite being on vacation currently, such as his domination of the Arab music market and his unparalleled brand power as his self-designed merch went out of stock in a split second.
Because of his songs' diversity coupled with his honey vocals, impressive range, and colorful tone, his solo songs from different BTS albums continue to receive lots of love from around the globe. Consequently, he has emerged as the most-streamed Korean individual on Anghami, the first legal music streaming platform in the Arab world, having attained 4 million streams with just four tracks.
Additionally, he released his first self-designed merchandise consisting of a hoodie and a pair of earrings, which were available for pre-order as of January 18th at 11 AM KST. With the much thought he put into the creation of these items coupled with his immense brand power, Jimin's merch sold out in 0.1 seconds, the fastest period for any of the merchandise released so far by the members and on the platform in general. The Japan Weverse shop even crashed as the servers got overwhelmed with the high traffic volume as fans battled to get these items for themselves.
Various reputable media outlets in South Korea and internationally have reported on both of these occurrences. Both were further proof of Jimin's impact as an individual artist and as a brand.
NME Magazine, which used to be one of Britain's most revered music magazines, but which currently operates under a Singaporean music technology company BandLab Technologies, published an article on the frenzy caused by Jimin's merch. The media outlet explicitly states that the release of his merch caused the Weverse shop servers to crash instantly, something that had not been witnessed with the release of the other members' merch.
Korean media publications also reported on Jimin's merchandise selling out in 0.1 seconds and causing the Weverse Shop servers to crash with ARMYs panicking over securing the items for themselves. As such, there were 21 keywords trending in South Korea all day long in relation to Jimin's merchandise.
The Korea JoongAng Daily is an English-language daily published by the JoongAng Group, Korea's leading media group, in association with The New York Times. The outlet also published
an article on Jimin's merch selling out within seconds of its release, and the crashing of Weverse shop servers due to the heavy traffic from fans who wanted to purchase the products, and also emphasized that this had not occurred during the other members' merchandise release.
This article further mentions that the YouTube video where Jimin explains the process of creating these products, has garnered over 160,000 views.
Zoom Tv spoke of Jimin's merch selling out in mere seconds, faster than the speed of light, after his tastefully designed hoodie and earrings touched the hearts of millions of fans around the world.
HOT101.7 states, "It should also be noted that no other BTS member enjoyed such a stampede," further adding that while some other members' had their merchandise sell out in seconds, their fans did not knock the website offline.
Other media outlets that reported on the same news include Clout News, MOViN92.5, Korepo, Audacy, Music Mundial, The Standard Pop, Hai Magazine, La Verdad Noticias, and POPline, to mention a few.
Regarding Jimin's achievement in the Arab music market, Geo News, Pakistan's leading media outlet, reported on Jimin's unmatched popularity in the Middle East after becoming the most-streamed Korean Individual on Anghami. He is the first and only Korean individual artist to amass 4 million streams on the platform, accomplishing this with just four tracks.
ZoomTv, Syed Majid Shah sherazi, sarkariaresult, Vata News, How to Finance, The News2Day, UrduCast, TodayssNews, and The News are other media outlets that also reported on this feat.
Jimin is an incredible artist, and his brand power is to be envied, which is why his feats receive such wide media coverage. Fans are excited for more music from him and for more of his self-designed merchandise.
This is what we call world domination