'Squid Game' has swept up the world by its feet as it created a sensation all across the globe. Soon after it premiered on Netflix, the megahit series took the number 1 spot on Netflix's Top 10 worldwide.
'Squid Game' quickly reached 111 million subscriber views surpassing 'Bridgerton,' which was seen by 82 million households and became the most successful Netflix series yet.
Combined with artistic aesthetics and dynamic characters, captivating storylines for the characters, thrilling moments that keep viewers on their toes, 'Squid Game' soared to the top.

This epic series was finally dethroned after 47 days as it was replaced by Riot Games' 'Arcane: League of Legends.'
Korean netizens were impressed with the show's performance and also pleasantly surprised to see other Korean shows in the top 10. Shows like 'My Name' and 'Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha' were in the top 10 rankings. Netizens commented, "Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha is cute, lol," "Arcane is pretty well made too," "Well there's so many advertisements for Arcane. I just see it everywhere," "It's still amazing that it ranked at number 1 for 47 days," "Wow, I'm surprised Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha is high on the ranking," "I'm proud it's been at the top for that long," "I wonder if Arcane is fun," "Squid Game felt like a more organic rise, Arcane's ads are just plastered everywhere," and "Arcane has more ads than Squid Game for sure. lol."

"finally dethroned" giiirl you sound so salty 😹😹😹😹
squid game is phenomenal, arcane is also good and considering the fact that riot is promoting it in every way possible in all their games im not surprised it's no. 1
i want caitlyn to step on my throat
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