Earlier last week, a famous Canadian fitness trainer raised suspicions about Kim Jong Kook using steroids. The trainer stated that it is highly unlikely for the singer to maintain that figure at the age of 45 and even said he would bet a million dollars that Kim Jong Kook is using HRT, a hormone replacement therapy.
Bodybuilder/ fitness trainer Greg Doucette posted a video with the title, "Kim Jung Kook || Natty or Not," on his YouTube channel on the 31st of last month. In the video, the YouTuber began by introducing Kim Jong Kook as a singer and actor from South Korea and explained that the singer had gained 2 million subscribers in a few months. The fitness trainer continued to raise suspicions that Kim Jong Kook was using HRT because it is improbable that he is able to have that kind of physique at the age of 45.
As soon as the video was uploaded, the fitness trainer received much criticism as he was accused of using Kim Jong Kook for clout. Netizens criticized that the fitness trainer was accusing Kim Jong Kook without any solid evidence.
On November 6, Greg Doucette posted a video refuting the articles that have been published by various media outlets and explained that the media outlets skewed his words and exaggerated his claims. The fitness trainer continued to argue that he had never accused Kim Jong Kook of using steroids and only assumed he was on HRT. The trainer continued to clarify his claims. Nevertheless, many netizens continued to criticize the trainer as they believed the trainer could have done irreversible damage to Kim Jong Kook's career.
Netizens commented, "Greg, I can see why all this backlash you've been receiving from the Korean community seems undue, and I have to admit that some of the criticisms are definitely out of proportion and comments such as "you're just jealous" are unfounded and hateful. However, you have to understand that there is a good reason for KJK's fans, to say nothing of the man himself, to be quite upset. Yes, there's technically nothing wrong with using enhancers, but given KJK's unique circumstances, the suspicions you raised could've done some irreversible damage to his career. Firstly, using enhancing drugs would be a contradiction to the philosophy and lifestyle he's been advocating very passionately. He displays his body as a testament to his old-school 'no pain, no gain', 'input = output' moral. It's this mindset that the Korean public found so attractive and admirable, and which became a major reason for his popularity," "Dude you're doing the exact same thing as what those articles are doing. Those articles cherry-picked certain information and made it seem like something false is true (which is literally what every news article reporters do). And you also did the same thing in this video, which is embarrassing. You say "the whole of Korea." To be frank, most Koreans probably don't know about this issue or care. It's just a small portion out of the whole population. You exaggerated the fact tremendously and made it seem like the whole Korean population is obsessed with this issue, which is no different from what the articles did. It's really so embarrassing that you're doing this when KJK just left a few comments on the issue because it blew up and he just wanted to prove that he's not on anything because he didn't want his career to go down the drain. You should really be careful in making these accusations because it might not be a big deal in Canada to use some sort of drugs, but in Korea, you're immediately canceled. The simple accusation you made could ruin someone's entire career. Be careful. You're on the internet and there are people from very different cultures online. You should at least learn to respect that difference," "Korea is very conservative and if a celebrity is found to consume drugs or any other type of enhancing substances, that person is immediately canceled. And let's admit, Greg likes to create a bit of controversy just for views. But in this case, only a video like that could simply ruin KJK long career and leave him jobless. Not fun, especially when the accusations are not proved," and "I have a question. if the result comes out that kjk is natural, will you pay all cost for testing?"
1 - greg shouldn't have messed with someone more famous than him.
2 - why does he care if knetizens hates him? he isn't in sk.
3 - greg's famous for being a steroid trafficker, he got no right to make accusations
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