Posted by secretnumberusa999 pts Saturday, October 30, 2021
On October 30, MBC live-streamed their concert on YouTube for fans to see their faves perform. As the concert went on, Secret Number came to perform their two new songs on their single album.
First, they performed “Fire Saturday,” which blew fans away with their amazing vocals. But as they go to perform “Dangerous in Love,” possibly due to time constraints, the audio was sped up constantly, causing fans not to be able to enjoy the performance.
Fans are asking for MBC to release the original performance. You can watch the speeding up in the performance video below.
I understand that cutting performances however frustrating for all fans is sometimes necessary evil to squeeze in as many groups as possible, but editing sound and speeding performance is just so wrong and takes away enjoyment. I'd rather have 2 good minutes than spoiled performance.
Completly understand SN fans anger and hope this doesn't become a trend on music shows.
21(+21 / -0)
daebak_kpop778 ptsSaturday, October 30, 2021 1
Saturday, October 30, 2021
the same happened to i think. the audio was a mess.
I understand that cutting performances however frustrating for all fans is sometimes necessary evil to squeeze in as many groups as possible, but editing sound and speeding performance is just so wrong and takes away enjoyment. I'd rather have 2 good minutes than spoiled performance.
Completly understand SN fans anger and hope this doesn't become a trend on music shows.