There are dozens of K-pop idol groups that make their debut in the Korean music industry per week, even per day. But debuting is one thing; becoming famous is a whole new hurdle.
One of these girl groups to make its debut earlier this week was Solia. On August 16, the five-member girl group released the music video for their debut song, "Dream." However, within less than a week since their debut, the girl group suddenly announced that they have disbanded due to the difficult situation of their agency. Disbanding in just five days since their debut, they are one of the fastest, if not the fastest, group ever to disband after their debut.

With news of their debut and disbanding, netizens gathered to an online community to put their two cents about this matter. Netizens commented, "I feel so bad for those girls," "I believe there are more idol groups that disappear without ever seeing the light of day," "Five days? That's so short," "Why did they debut if they were going to disband right away?" "I really feel so bad for these girls, they must have prepared so much," "Hmmm, that's really unfortunate," "What the heck, five days?" and "The agency is fishy, the music video quality was so bad too."
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