On July 27th OMEGA X dropped another "VAMOS" dance practice this time, it was a Switch part dance practice.

Like in the previous 3 (Marine, Cafe, Pajama), a lot is happening in this dance practice as well, but it is mostly members laughing and having fun during the whole dance.
The video starts off with members pulling small papers with the names of the members and then moving to the side to get a name tag.
(Hangyeom -> Hyuk, Jaehan -> XEN,Taedong -> Hangyeom, XEN -> Kevin, Sebin -> Taedong, Junghoon -> Hwichan, Hwichan -> Junghoon, Yechan -> Jehyun, Kevin -> Yechan, Hyuk -> Jaehan, Jehyun -> Sebin)
At the beginning of dance practice, we can see Hwichan staring off the song but moving in the wrong direction and Hangyeom pushing him back on the right spot.
Hyuk struggled a bit, daring Jaehan's part, and after that, Jaehan couldn't find his spot, which made him run around the members to the front and then finally making to his spot. The next thing you can see is Hwichan running because he was in the wrong spot, which made him run to the right spot. And Junghoon followed with him, running on his spot. Hangyeom kept on being lost and running into members, trying to figure out where he is.
This dance practice also has some behind-the-scenes clips, so check them out below.
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