Singer, KIM WOOJIN, has officially released his first MV for his pre-debut single, "Still Dream." Released July 8, 2021, this pre-debut single illustrates a story of pursuing a dream despite anxiety-inducing, frustrating trials and hardship. In addition to showcasing vocal ability, KIM WOOJIN displayed a mature choreography to illustrate his seriousness about his artistry. This triumphant pre-debut is one that many of had their eyes on, so naturally, allkpop had to get the inside scoop by speaking to KIM WOOJIN personally! Keep reading to hear what KIM WOOJIN has to say about "Still Dream" and what's to come for his career.

allkpop: Hello KIM WOOJIN! It’s been a long time! Please introduce yourself to our readers!
김우진: 안녕하세요. 곧 정식 데뷔를 앞두고 프리 데뷔 싱글 ‘Still Dream’으로 여러분께 먼저 인사드리게 된 가수 김우진입니다. allkpop여러분 반갑습니다!
KIM WOOJIN: Hi all, I’m WOOJIN KIM introducing with my pre-debut single ‘Still Dream’ ahead of the official debut coming soon. Nice to meet you allkpop!
allkpop: Congratulations on your Pre-debut! Your new album is coming out soon, but you’ve officially returned with a brand new pre-debut single called “Still Dream”. Tell us a little bit about the single and what fans can expect from your album!
김우진: 프리 데뷔 곡 ‘Still Dream’은 곧 나올 저의 데뷔 앨범을 기다리는 팬들에게 하루 빨리 음악을 들려주고 싶어서 준비한 곡입니다. 싱글 ‘Still Dream’은 어둡게만 느껴지는 현재의 고난 속에서도 꿈을 잃지 않고 더 나아가겠다는 의지와 다짐을 담은 곡입니다. 음악은 지금처럼 더운 계절인 여름에도 듣기 좋아요. 시원한 바람이 생각나는 두근거리는 비트를 함께 느꼈으면 좋겠어요!
KIM WOOJIN: My pre-debut single ‘Still Dream’ is a song I prepared for my fans waiting for my upcoming debut album to share my music as soon as possible. ‘Still Dream’ is a song that contains the will and determination to go further without losing the dream even in the darkest hardship in the present. This track is a good listen to during this hot summer season. I hope you could feel the pounding beat that makes you feel a cool breeze!

allkpop: This song was inspired by your own life - in what ways? What was the story you wanted to convey to fans who are listening to “Still Dream”?
김우진: 여러분도 저도 누구나 꿈을 가지고 있잖아요. 그 꿈을 이루기 위해 모두가 간절히 그리고 열심히 자기 자리에서 노력하고 있을 거라고 생각해요. 하지만 그 노력과는 달리 고난이 펼쳐질 때가 있어요. 저도 한동안 그런 시기를 겪었구요. 막막한 순간들이 펼쳐져 있을 때에도 결국 꿈을 꾸면 이룰 수 있을거라는 희망을 담고 싶었어요. 특히, 제 어두운 순간을 밝혀준 팬분들 CUBS에게도 감사를 전하고 싶었어요.
KIM WOOJIN: You and I, we all have dreams. I think everyone is working hard in their own place to make that dream come true. However, sometimes there may be times when hardship continues contrary to the effort. I’ve been through that for a while as well. I wanted to show a hope that even when difficult moments come, if you have dream, in the end, you will be able to overcome the pressure and achieve the dream. Especially, I wanted to thank my fans, CUBS, who lit up my darkest moments.
allkpop: Producer Ryan S. Jhun participated in the production of “Still Dream”. Share with us the feeling of working with him.
김우진: 일단 전체적인 곡의 분위기와 자유롭고, 호소하는 듯한 멜로디라인이 마음에 들었어요. 또한 이 노래가 제 목소리와 잘 맞을것 같다는 점도 좋았고요, 제가 좋아하는 장르의 노래이다 보니 라이언 전 프로듀서님과 녹음하는 내내 정말 들떠서 재밌게 녹음했어요ㅎㅎ
KIM WOOJIN: I really liked the free atmosphere of the song and the appealing melody line. Also, I liked the fact that this song would fit well with my voice. Since it is a song in my type of genre, I enjoyed the recording process with him.
allkpop: B.B Trippin’ also adds his own flair to your song with a dynamic performance. Is there a reason you selected B.B Trippin’ to feature on your track? What do you feel his verse brings to the table?
김우진: B.B Trippin’ 분들은 KPOP음악에 대한 깊은 이해도와 상상력을 바탕으로 매번 새로운 스타일의 퍼포먼스를 선보여 오셨어요. 그래서 이번 노래 안무 작업을 하기 이전에 개인적으로 레슨을 받으면서 여러 방면으로 실력이 뛰어나시다는 점을 한 번 더 알게 되었는데요. 그래서 꼭 이번 앨범의 안무를 만들어 주셨으면 좋겠다고 생각했습니다! 함께 작업할 수 있어서 너무 즐거웠어요.
KIM WOOJIN: B.B Trippin have always presented a new style of performances based on their deep understanding of KPOP and imagination. While I took a private lesson from them before working on the choreography for this song, I could find out that they are very talented in many ways once again. So I really wanted them to make the choreography for this album! I really enjoyed working with them.

allkpop: Your music video depicts a strong will with many compelling visuals including a dance choreography done on the waves. What are you hoping your fans will enjoy about your music video for “Still Dream”? What do you want to express to the audience with your MV?
김우진: 자유로운 영상과 음악의 조화, 무슨 일이 있어도 앞으로 나아 가겠다는 저의 의지가 잘 보였으면 좋겠네요!
KIM WOOJIN: I hope our fans could enjoy the video by checking out the coordination of visual and music of freedom and empathize with my will to move forward no matter what!
allkpop: As fans eagerly anticipate your new album, what should they expect from your release out soon?
김우진: 프리 데뷔 싱글에서도 느끼셨겠지만 새 앨범에서도 저의 이야기를 많이 담았어요. 제 이야기를 팬 분들과 모든 분들께 음악으로 들려드릴 수 있게 되어 마음이 많이 설레고 있어요. 팬 분들도 쉽게 공감할 수 있는 이야기라고 생각하거든요! 그리고 음악은 멋진 분들과 함께 작업을 한 만큼 정말 정말 다 좋기 때문에 꼭 앨범 전체를 들어주셨으면 좋겠어요.
아 물론, 곡과 어울리는 퍼포먼스도 열심히 준비했으니 기대 많이 해주세요!
KIM WOOJIN: You might have felt it from my pre-debut single, but I also put my story in the new album. I am very thrilled to introduce my music to everyone and my fans. I believe it is a story that fans could easily relate to! Also, I really hope everyone to listen to the whole album since I worked with great people and every track is great. Oh, and of course, I worked hard for the performance that goes well with the song, so please look forward to it!
allkpop: The last year and a half has proven difficult for many worldwide. Do you have any special messages you’d like to give readers to show support and encouragement?
김우진: 맞아요, 지금 우리 모두 힘든 시기를 겪고 있죠. 제 팟캐스트 ‘wooAlog’를 진행하면서 지금 상황으로 인한 고민이나 사연을 전 세계에서 많이 보내주셨어요. 그래서 저 뿐만 아니라 다른 분들이 처해있는 상황을 더 자세히 느낄 수 있었어요. 제가 자주 하는 말인데요, 힘든 날이 있으면 좋은 날도 올 거라고 생각해요. 지금은 힘들지만 모두 제 자리에서 규칙을 잘 지키고 이겨낸다면 원래 누리던 일상을 되찾을 수 있을 거라고 생각해요! 우리 모두 힘내봐요!
KIM WOOJIN: Yes, we are all going through a tough time right now. While I was hosting my podcast ‘wooAlog’, I received a lot of concerns and messages from all around the world about the current situation. So I was able to feel more about other’s situations as well as mine. There is a phrase I say often that if there are bad days, there will be good days. It Is tough now but if we all follow the rules on their own places, we will be able to get back to our normal days! Let’s do our best!

allkpop: Lastly, what can we expect from KIM WOOJIN in the months ahead? Any exciting hints or spoilers you can give us?
김우진: 데뷔 앨범이 나오면 시작 선에 선 만큼 활동을 열심히 하고 싶어요. 그리고 활동을 하면서 또 팬 분들께 새로운 모습으로 찾아 뵙기 위해 열심히 새 앨범을 준비할거예요!
KIM WOOJIN: When my debut album comes out, I want to work hard as much as I could as it is my starting point. Also, I will work hard on my new album to meet my fans to show my new aspect!
allkpop: Thank you WOOJIN for talking to us! Take care!
김우진: 저도 이렇게 제 이야기를 할 수 있어서 너무 즐거웠어요. allkpop 여러분! 곧 나올 제 데뷔 앨범 많이 기대해주세요!
KIM WOOJIN: It was good to talk about my story as well. allkpop everyone! Please check out my debut album coming soon!
It's amazing how many people are getting kicked out/leaving/disbanding in 2020-2021, in exchange they finally get to do what they want. It's sad how little control they have when they are in their groups. B.I and Woojin both making amazing music. Love it.