Cnetz talk about rumor that Girls Planet 999 top 9 will consist of the top 3 Koreans, 3 Japanese, and 3 Chinese girls
Posted by SBM1,825 pts Thursday, July 8, 2021
Girls Planet 999 is an upcoming girl group survival show by Mnet which will consist of 99 girls, 33 per nation (Korea, Japan, and China), competing against one another to debut in a 9 member girl group.
Chinese netizens talked about some recent rumored data on the elimination format for the show. The rumor seems to be the top 3 girls per group (K-Group, J-Group, and C-Group) will make up the top 9.
[ rough trans ]
gp999 elimination rule: the trainees will sit in the same group and change members in each round of votings. A group of 9, 3 members each, and then pk in groups.
this is just a rumor, please take it with a grain of salt.
If true, this will make the competition very intense where instead of 99 girls fighting for a spot free-for-all, three sets of 33 girls compete for 3/9 spots in the group.
Girls Planet 999 will air on Mnet & the Universe app on August 6th.
At least it will be balanced for an "international" group. I was disappointed that after being touted as an "international" group, Iz*one ended up with only 3 Japanese members and 9 Koreans. Twice even had more foreign members but was not being called an "International" group.
12(+16 / -4)
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pink_oracle27,113 ptsThursday, July 8, 2021 3
Thursday, July 8, 2021
Kinda sounds unfair. Say the 4th best Japanese girl is ten times better then the 3rd best Chinese girl, she'll still lose her place to her because of selective choosing.
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