Actor Ji Soo gave updates on taking legal action against the circulators of false information.
On July 6th, the legal representative of Ji Soo, who was embroiled in school bullying allegations back in March, issued a statement regarding the ongoing legal proceedings. Back in May, the same representative has stated the actor has decided to take legal action against false rumors including sexual assault allegations to set the truth straight.
The law firm stated: "In March 2021, there were many blatant lies posted on the Internet including those accusing our client of sexual offense allegations. The man who wrote a post accusing our client has sexually assaulted his wife in the past has come forward and apologized, but the rest of the accusatory posts made their way around the web without any verification. Thus, our client has decided to take legal action against the circulators of false information to reveal the truth.
Recently, we were able to locate one of the writers of false accusatory posts thanks to search and seizure on IP addresses and more. The man turned out to be a soldier who recently enlisted. He admitted that everything he claimed in his post was false. He then sincerely apologized to our client with a handwritten letter and plead for his forgiveness given that his mother is currently battling cancer.
Our client has dropped the aforementioned man from the lawsuit after considering both his and the perpetrator's circumstances. However, most publishers are laying low after deleting their false accusatory posts. We will take strict legal action against these people.
Meanwhile, the posts accusing him of school bullying were mostly untrue as well. Our client has sued them for libel. We are writing to notify the search warrant has been issued by the court and the investigations pertaining to the case is underway."
Now this was an actual plot twist- idk I feel bad for Jisoo…he had to almost loose his career for nothing…and it’s so sad
He shouldn’t have forgiven that man cuz the man didn’t have any hesitations to ruin his life for fun
And unlike how he forgave that man… people did give him a chance to talk and just throw him under bus
Hopefully he will get the justice