There are many reasons netizens watch idol competition shows - the aspect in which they can choose their favorite members for a newly forming idol group or the competitiveness of these shows.
With the rise in popularity of these competition shows, there have been shows produced in similar formats in which idol group members or the group themselves compete for the title as number 1 or the best.
Recently, one netizen started a discussion in an online community in which the netizen asked other netizens what is the most exciting part when watching idol survival shows.
The netizen made three suggestions netizens might find the most interesting - The preparation stage, the actual performance, and when the results are announced.
1. Preparation stages

2. Actual performances

3. Announcement of results or ranking

Netizens quickly joined the online community to share their opinions as they commented, "I think the best part is number 2! The performance part!" "I think the auditions are the best part, the beginning of the show," "I think when they announce the very first rankings," "I think I like in the order of 2-1-3," "I think the most exciting part is when they announce the number 1 place or the last place results, lol," "I enjoy number 1 when they're preparing the stages," and, "I think the main part of the shows is the performance part."
What do you find the most exciting about these idol competition shows?
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