After it was reported that the popular girl group member who was fined for illegally using Propofol was Brown Eyed Girls member Ga In, her agency admitted to this fact and issued an official apology.
Mystic Story, Ga In's agency, stated, "It is true that last year, Ga In was fined 1 million won (~ $884 USD) after being indicted on charges of illegal Propofol use. We deeply apologize for the fact that both Ga In and the agency did not apologize for this mistake earlier and caused more concern with the sudden news, despite recognizing it as a socially incorrect action."
Mystic Story then explained why Ga In had chosen to illegally use Propofol. They stated, "The accumulation of Ga In's both severe and less severe injuries during her long career of promoting as a singer has caused her lasting pain, depression, and severe sleep disorders. Throughout all this, she ended up recklessly making a bad decision. Although the individual pains suffered by the artist increased over the past years due to certain circumstances that we cannot speak of, neither the artist nor the agency were able to find an effective solution to get out of the worsening situation. As an agency, we deeply apologize for our lack of responsibility."
Mystic Story then closed their statement with, "From now on, Ga In and Mystic Story will do our best to stand in front of the artist's fans and the public in a more mature manner. Once again, we sincerely apologize for causing concern."
Ga In's Propofol case first rose to the media's attention after it was revealed that 'A', a plastic surgeon in his 70s, had been sentenced to prison for illegally providing Propofol supplies and selling ethomidate, a general anesthetic, to a famous girl group member. Ga In was not initially charged because ethomidate is not designated as a drug.
But wasn't she super anti drugs and made the biggest deal when she throw under the bus a guy that was friends with his bf at the time, Joo Ji Hoon, for offering her cannabis for her mental issues? She ranted about how it was wrong and shown conversations on her sns. That opened a case and the police also asked for Joo Ji Hoon to testify, since he had a case of usage years before and that almost cost his career (for years he struggled to get cast), losing every role and deal and having to pay fines and sentenced to serve immediately... interesting *rolling my eyes*
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