The concept photos (Version 1) of "Butter", a hard copy of the single set to be released on July 9th, has been uploaded today. The members had their moment to glow from the two pictures taken of each one. The concept was very clear: a strong and vibrant orange color, even capable of smelling perhaps some tangerines, and the continuity of the Rockstars vibes. The guys now are trying a more punk - gothic style, meaning is the modern era of what rock n' roll really means, combining a little bit of the 90s with the 2000s.

For instance, Jung Hoseok was looking astonishingly gorgeous. The pictures were completely breathtaking and it was almost impossible to keep your eyes out of them. There has been multiple times where people would talk about how good looking is J-hope in real life, as well as he seemed like a prince and constantly be comparing his spirit with those golden shines of the Sun. Indeed, he is known for his flexibility and dancing skills, how talented he became in rap and the capacity to change between rap flows in seconds. His bandmates and people who had worked closely with him had admitted that his optimism is very realistic and charming, but he also could stare at you while being angry and definitely, you would be scared of him and what he might say. But that staring is not only based in anger. It could be also a very seductive one given to ARMY. With a new hairstyle, highlights in black, a fantasy red belt choker with hearts in it, decorating his long and fancy neck, ripped denim vest and some navy white t-shirt (an item from the 80s), an interesting earring (since he has promised to keep his ears pure) could be seen in the first picture, making a match with his silver bracelets, again, with some hearts in it and, the golden (pink) touch: a gun. A priceless and beautiful pink gun.

On a blue puff and with a sharp look, natural makeup on, Jung Hoseok probably killed not only ARMY, but the camera man as well. Whoever is their stylist, the person has shut down all those negative comments against its job, since all of the members had received nothing but love, admiration and excitement towards the whole concept and their Paramore "Riot" era style. Not enough with that, J-hope kept modeling until the second picture surfaced the light of the world. Standing in the middle of a room, with a closet behind him that it says "FLAMMABLE: Keep fire away", an obvious joke because actually, he is the fire in the room. Puffs behind him are the main details, and he holding a dart. We can clearly see how he is looking at the heart-shaped dart board on the orange wall, and those darts of different colors are all holding, what it seems like, a map. Metal basket cases are seen with balls in it, main colors being orange, red, pink and yellow. The whole outfit is about Hoseok being covered in denim, off showing his long and strong legs with some hairy Eskimo boats style.
This is not the first time that J-hope concept photos are taking from the angle of his eyes. We can assume that all those hearts in his outfit are based on the shape of his smile, perhaps the most beautiful and shiny one. But the fact that pictures are always focusing him with a serious look, might be to represent his disciplined and determined personality. Even in some photoshoots when the 7 of them are all gathered, he tends to smile while the others are with a straight face. From a hip hop star with a mask full of spikes, to a guy with a light soul with retro and Rockstar vibes, Jung Hoseok has known very well how to be the owner of ARMY's heart.

What is more interesting is how in love he is with fashion style, and how he doesn't care about wasting money on it. Many times he has been seen as the most fashionable of the band alongside V. How he can manage to wear a Dior suit at a concert, walking with a serious face and sharp eyes that could almost ripped ARMY's soul, talks about how he is very well aware of his power and he knows how to use it. Combining colors of his clothes with his hairstyle has always been a must for him, and that has been demonstrated in their latest concert, the 6th Muster: Sowoozoo. Shiny colors and shiny jewelry are his daily life partners, and even his own ideas for some solo mixtapes are based on the difficulties he has been through in life, yet how glorious he has become thanks to it. His duality, sweet guy from a very handsome man is what keeps ARMY attached the most. His voice, as deep and calm as the ocean are also the great of friends whenever the feeling of being alone is arising our minds.
This won't be the last time we feel attacked by Jung Hoseok's beauty.

Streams for J-hope:
Well I remember when I went to the Love yourself speak yourself tour in London I was personally attacked by Hobi not only by his dance and his attractive self but his tan melanin self when I tell his tan skin was glowing it was glowing... it just made him look 10 times sexier Oooooooh Jesus I still remember as if it was yesterday
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