It's not surprising that Jin frequently goes viral for his vocals. People say his live vocals sound even better than the studio version. Jin doesn't even need music to create a mind-blowing performance.
Seokjin's Vocal Range is INSANE!!! When the music PD said Jins live with minimal music will sound great, this is what he meant! When everyone says Jin's live sounds way better than the studio versions this is what they meant ❤️
MR removed of seokjin's part in even if i die its you... he literally doesnt need bg music, he and his voice can stand alone even without anything. as a coach said, good vocalist doesnt need much to sound good, they can do it themselves 👌👏
Fans made the MR-removed version of BTS's performance at the recent "A Late Show."
A special feature of Jin's voice is the insane control of his breathing; he sounds stable in every single performance.
seokjin has stable, clear, silver vocals, remarkable breathing control, has emotion filled vocals and you can FEEL every single word he sings, his live vocals are unreal, his chest and head voices are both beautiful and he switches between them flawlessly,
Comments quickly got filled with people being amazed at Jin's abilities. Even the phrasing in the fifth octave was performed perfectly by him.
"He has strong vocal cords so even if it is high note he sounds good. He's good at controlling the dynamics. I am happy to listen to a song that fits and shows Seokjinnie's skills."
The power of Jin's voice is so strong; he is the only member who got a standing ovation twice and was a trending topic for 2 weeks in Saudi Arabia after his solo stage.
here's a compilation of seokjin live vocals to cleanse your tl 💜
if anything to regret in life it must be not seeing seokjin performing live
hope every seokjinnie can be blessed by his heavenly live vocals 🙏🏻
26(+28 / -2)
umaybaby4,915 ptsMonday, June 7, 2021 2
Monday, June 7, 2021
Jin's vocals perfect at this point everyone already aware of this still i am glad this mr removed videos exist it's like a slap to the face for haters😖
His Voice is pure and full of emotions
the studio version never does him justice
if anything to regret in life it must be not seeing seokjin performing live
hope every seokjinnie can be blessed by his heavenly live vocals 🙏🏻