When you think of Ateez, the pirate concept comes to mind first. Because the group started their story as "pirates" looking for their "treasure". And all of their songs and performances so far have been representations of their seeking. The treasure they've been looking for as pirates is the meaning of life, the thing they treasure.
The story of the pirates who searched for what they valued in life and went after these treasures was told through songs. From the title songs to the b-side songs, all their discography complete this story in every detail.
As main producer EDEN said (here), the background of ATEEZ's songs is based on the real experiences of the members. How about checking out the lyrics of some of Ateez's songs? Even the lyrics alone reveal the pattern of the story/concept very well.
Intro : Long Journey
People want it
People dream about it
It can be different to every individual
It can complete us
Or it can destroy us
And it can change the world
People call it 'treasure'
The sound of wind blowing from the horizon
The warmth of the sun hitting the ocean waves
The vibration of sand beating like the hearts of youth
We're at the starting point of this long journey
The freezing winds may make us shiver
The heat of the sun may make us thirsty
The vibrations of the sand may swallow us
But we'll never stop
Gold, eternal life, honor, love, fame
It doesn't matter what you dream for
So let me ask you
What is your treasure?
Will you join us?
They talk about a utopia that they have looked for and will continue to seek throughout their lives.
Eden, Leez, Buddy, Hongjoong, Mingi
Producers: Eden, Leez, Buddy
All of my life, i was looking for it
That's a faint utopia where can almost touch but can't
Dreamer in a dream
The sea of fear and joy
I saw it, felt it in my dream that day
I'm sure that we will find someday
Even if everyone laughs because it's a dream
I can not stop
The truth to me is that
(*A utopia is an imaginary community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its citizens.)
At the end of every night, there is a sunrise. Every difficulty ends one day and bright days come. This song also reflects its name (Sunrise) and comfort the people who are having a hard time.
Eden, Hongjoong, Leez, Buddy, Mingi
Producers: Eden, Hongjoong, Buddy, Leez
“Why are you always like this?”
I deceive myself each time, but I shouldn’t
I’m the one who’s been wandering around while being mean to myself
So I need it. These words. Even if it’s a lie
I wish someone would say to me “You don’t have to worry”
“You’re doing great”
“Just keep it up”
No matter what some people say
No matter what some people hate
No matter what the things that make you sick
Just keep it up. So the whole world can hear...
Why is my life so dark? Why, always makes me hard?
I can’t grasp my heart I feel so pressured
Let’s wait a little longer
Even if it’s cold, just a little more
The sun’s gonna come up. Sooner or later...
Dazzling Light
The song tells the story of people who are lost in the darkness and look for a way out (actually a person who seeks the meaning of life). The answers that people find to their questions are symbolized as the bright dazzling light in the pitch dark.
Eden, Leez, Buddy, Ollounder, Hongjoong, Mingi
Producers: Eden, Leez, Buddy, Ollounder
Here in the dark, there’s absolutely nothing
The place that shone in my dreams, this is where we are now...
Find that other sparkle and reach for it
Open the door, and the answer you’ve been looking for...
Dazling light, dazling light, it’s like it’s beckoning to me
In your eyes I see another me
Tell me who you who am I
Let me know, who you who am I
Where we go, where we are, what we wanna say...
Good Lil Boy
The song is addressed to a little boy who hesitates to take steps to find his own way, who feels obliged to take the same path as others. The song encourages the little boy to try and see. They say it's normal to get hit, the important thing is to hold on and keep going. The little boy in the song is both the listeners and the members themselves!
EDEN, Kim Hongjoong, LEEZ, Ollounder, Song Mingi
Producers: EDEN, Kim Hongjoong, LEEZ, Ollounder
...Hey, little boy, why you look down?
Look straight, open your eyes and
Don’t be fooled by a similar story, you need to get stronger...
The world isn’t a fool
...Yeah, being nice
Following a set path
Knowing everything from 1 to 10
What’s up with that?
Your standard is only you
...In a beautiful and warm wind (Hey, little boy)
It’s a life to get hit and stand up to
...Pull your shoelaces tight
Don’t pass by
Like the entire world is yours
Raise your fists
Nothing to fear no more
Look at me good little boy!
"You’ll know when you’re older"
I’m sick of those words
Why should I know that I don’t want it
I’m living in the present...
Members say "No thanxx" to advice and suggestions that make you feel anxious! They say that because they are experiencing this life for the first time, they will learn by making mistakes. This song is like the voice of the youth!
EDEN, Ollounder, LEEZ, BUDDY, Kim Hong-joong, Song Min-gi
Producers: EDEN, Ollounder, LEEZ, BUDDY
“You’re gonna regret it later”
“You’ll know when you get a little older”
It’s always the same thing every time
I’m sick and tired of it (Nobody knows)...
“What do you wanna do”
“What do you wanna be when you grow up”
I don’t know, it’s my first time
I think I’ll know once I get to live a little more...
"Your worries?" No thanks I’m ok I’m just doing me
Don’t say you’re doing this for me
The Real
This song, which they performed for the first time in the finale stage of the Kingdom survival show, is about humbleness and kindness. it's said that having a bad attitude that is thought to be cool is actually not cool. The real cool thing is to be kind and humble. In the performance of the song, member Hongjoong teaches a lesson to the "cool" students who bully others at school. Other members point out the really cool stuff (like enjoying together) and cheer up the class.
This song is like a reference that no matter what happens in the future, humility will be their priority!
Eden, Leez, Ollounder, Hongjoong, Mingi, Peperoni, Oliv
Producers: Eden, Leez, Ollounder, Peperoni, Oliv
The truth is (Real recognize real)
Humility, humility
We live passionately
But have more humbleness and kindness than anyone else
Protecting my faith
Serving anyone with carefulness
With a low posture and gaze
Keep it up, up, up, up
This is the coolest thing (Ayy!)...
Welcome my class
Listen to everything carefully
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, yah
The more you bow down, the more skilled you become
The more you watch your mouth, the more skilled you become
The more you bow your head, the more skilled you become
The more you learn, the more skilled you become ...
This song celebrates you who being born as you and living as you. They emphasize that enjoying life and the moment you live is the most important thing.
EDEN, Kim Hongjoong, Ollounder, LEEZ, Peperoni, Oliv, Song Mingi
Producers: EDEN, Kim Hongjoong, Ollounder, LEEZ, Peperoni, Oliv
When you face the mirror, how you feel it?
Congratulations for being born as yourself
Celebrate for you for being born as you and living as you
Don’t care about who does what
Don’t be like you know who
Just looking for things 24 hours
Is boring and a waste of time
You’re the one
Only one from 7 billion
Only one...
Thank U
Hongjoong says "I thought of Seonghwa while writing this song" for Thank U. He expressed his gratitude through the song. During the performance of the song, all the members thank each other through the song.
EDEN, LEEZ, Ollounder, Kim Hong-joong, Song Min-gi
Producers: EDEN, LEEZ, Ollounder
These days, I keep on thinking about this
I’ve been doing pretty well until now and I think the proof of that is you
We fought and targeted each other
But we just took each other for granted
I feel uneasy when saying these words
You know what I mean
I have something to say
This is what I wanted to say
I’ve been thinking about it all night
When I think of you, there’s a lot I’m sorry for
I want to say these words now
Thank you
(Thank you for being on my side)
Thank you for being able to walk by your side
(Thank you for being on my side)
Thank you because we can depend on each other on this tough world...
Source for lyrics: lyricskpop
They are such an inspiration!!