Jin was described as the most "outstanding" and his face creating such a strong effect on people that it can make you "space out."
his lips were tightened(cutely) and he looked like a character. Anyways.. his proportion, face, and personality etc everything seemed to not match each other but they all just seemed to be outstanding.
The editors of Dispatch confirmed that Seokjin's face doesn't need any editing, as well as makeup artists said preparing him takes the shortest amount of time.
Jin is known for his natural beauty and gets the most simple makeup, however he still looks the most outstanding.
This professional photographer who worked with BTS was asked 'How is Seokjin's visual as they say photos don't do justice to his real visual' and he answers "Jin is Mr.Perfect, he's Hot" Neat, Intelligent, Smart.
According to fans, these photos are the closest to what Jin looks like in real life:
A fan attending the hand shake event described Jin as:
"Just from far away when you see him he is just so cold and beautiful, it scares you a bit, and stuns you, just makes you think how someone so beautiful can exist...."
Usually, Jin's beauty in real life is described as "cold", an "ice prince": The staff says they also thought so.
The staff who saw the members in real life wrote this(rough translation) Jin-nim - At first, he looked quite cold. When i saw him on tv he seemed to be bright but i thought he won't be like that irl. But during filming the show he was enjoying with members well like a friend+
After seeing Jin in real life, people also compare him to an anime character.
By the way, Jin often becomes an inspiration for the actual manga artists!
seokjin went from people praising him "he looks like he came straight out of a manhwa" to an actual webtoon author wanting to make a character based on him. visual king
Jin's friends, who studied with him at Konkuk Acting Major once revealed that Jin was popular for his looks at the campus.
Lee Yi-kyung says he met Seokjin at acting academy when Jin was a highschool student. Seokjinnie was already famous for his handsome visual. and got into prestigious acting university in Seoul. They got into different univ so they +
I’m sure he’s even more stunning in real life. He must be since he was scouted on the street...twice!
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