On March 18, YouTuber D'splay greeted viewers with a short new video!
In this video, D'splay invited the Lego detective Michael as a guest for a brief proposition. Michael revealed that many commenters had been asking D'splay to choose a nickname to refer to his subscribers, and made the suggestion, "How about D's Guyz?"
Fans quickly noticed that the nickname "D's Guyz" is yet another continuation of the ongoing joke(?) between the YouTuber and all of his viewers, as the name literally sounds like the word "disguise"! Furthermore, Lego detective Michael is a character who made an appearance in D'splay's previous video introducing the word "disguise".
Meanwhile, D'splay continues to insist that he's not Big Bang's Daesung, and many viewers are playing along as to keep his "secret" from getting out!
Watch D'splay's latest video
k_popfans (Banned)-2,452 pts Wednesday, March 17, 2021 1[+] This user has a poor community rating, click here to read this comment.
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