Johyun clarified her statements about Berry Good's future promotions.
Johyun previously stated she was "unsure" whether Berry Good would continue promotions as a group in a recent interview, and her label later issued a conflicting statement. On March 20, Johyun clarified her interview comments on Instagram with the following post:
"Hello, this is Johyun. I'm writing this because I have something to say to our loving fans as well as to reporters and those people working hard on behalf of the film 'Hypnosis'. Firstly in regards to the content in the news report, I think I misunderstood the question's point before I replied, so I want to set things right and give a concrete explanation.
I meant to explain that because right now I'm doing more solo promotions than I am doing idol promotions. I intend to keep working hard on solo promotions. I think I expressed myself badly there, so I apologize to the reporters.
Furthermore, I think that there have been some mistaken reports about our contracts, so I want to clarify this. I meant to say two of the members left the team after their contracts expired, and I sincerely apologize for misspeaking and saying that Berry Good's contract has expired instead. JTG Entertainment and I have a good relationship, and we're working hard together. We'll continue to show active promotions in the future.
However, reports made it seem like my contract with the agency had expired and that I wasn't on good terms with my agency, so I want to correct those errors.
This was an interview about the movie 'Hypnosis', so I regretted that most of the articles ended up being about my comments about idol promotions. I wrote this so I could share the exact facts and also my feelings about this.
Thank you to the reporters, the PR team, and the people working hard on the film. I'll become an actor who works even harder from now on. Thank you."
As of February, 2020, Berry Good members Gowoon and Seoyool have left JTG Entertainment. Currently, the remaining Berry Good members under JTG are Johyun and Sehyung.
Lol she said what she said. Drop the album girl 😂